For the week of July 4th this year we went home to hang out with the Starnes clan.
We went to Fort Lee for the fireworks show on the 4th. It was pretty spectacular however I have no pictures to prove that, so just take my word for it. Also we took the kids to Busch Gardens. Cooper rode his first roller coaster which happened to be the biggest, baddest beast they have (the Griffon). He and Victor went there as soon as we got into the park. Cooper loved it but did get a little gun shy after that, it took some convincing but he rode all but one of the coasters before the day was done. Ella and Mason had a blast on all the kiddie rides. Victor was done with roller coasters after the Griffin so I got that duty. Thanks to mom and dad who kept Jack all day. We did not carry anything into the park because it was 100+ and we didn't want to pack anything that wasn't essential. It worked out great because we split up so one of us could do the roller coasters with Cooper and the other could ride with Ella and Mason. The only down side was there were some great picture opportunities but, again I had no camera to document our fun. Everybody had a great time. Mason plans for us to come back when he's 8 so he can ride all the rides with his brother and sister. We'll have to see about that. Well this is kind of a long entry but I had to share some of what you don't get to see. Here are some of the pictures we did get of our trip.

I love that we captured Mason in mid flight here. That's Emily being attacked by her little cousins (Gavin is dive bombing her here). Sorry Emily that's what you get for being the oldest.
You sure are a good sport!

We had a family party to celebrate all the July birthdays. This is me in decorator mode

Here we are decorating machines! Mason is taking on the role of taste tester.

Each little princess with her own cake

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALEXA (6), ISOM (1), GENEVIEVE (4), AND KELLY(? I have to get permission before revealing this number)!!

Jack having fun with Granddaddy Starnes


The kids had a lot of fun visiting their Grandma and Granddaddy and all their cousins

Mass hysteria broke out just before our departure back to Maine

Ella getting some harp instruction just before we left. Thanks to mom and dad for letting us hang out for a week. Can't wait to do it again!!