That's right I said Mason. Now, you may be wondering how a 4 year old loses a tooth. In our house it goes something like this..... Mason and Ella were playing downstairs and with a crocheted baby blanket. Mason was biting it and Ella yanked on it. Mason's tooth came out root and all. I may have freaked out a little when they came running to tell me and Mason had a mouth full of blood but he assured me it was a good thing. He thought it was awesome that he lost a tooth he didn't even cry. I think it would hurt like crazy to have a tooth yanked out root and all but apparently when you want the tooth fairy to visit the pain disappears.
It looks like a fang but he's just showing you the root

Well he gets to be my little toothless wonder for a few years until is adult teeth start coming in, of course he prefers me to call him Toothless Batman.